After my sketch of Woody last week, I couldn't resist the urge to do another drawing, so on Friday I decided to draw Phoebe. Its only my second drawing, but I'm very pleased with it. I'm on the lookout now for a good photo of my old dog Winston so I can do a sketch of him for my parents.
And lastly a pic of the fairy cakes that were baked yesterday. I looked after my friends little girl for the day, so we made fairy cakes for last nights solstice party. I'm feeling a little ropey today, as it was a very late night and I had a few too many glasses of Elderflower Champagne, but a good time was had by all.
OMG! 2 posts in one day, are you feeling OK? lol!
Love the sketches and the ice cream looks delicious, will definately be giving that a go.
Take care
Beki xxx
Love the picture of Phoebe, she looks so sweet :) Hope you had a good time at the solstice, must have been good if you have a poorly head ;) xxx
Hello lovely, thank you I did, your a lovely blog friend, I've never known time to pass so quickly, yet to feel like no time has passed, if you get what I mean?
I wish I could sleep....I'm up all night and so tired in the day...
Love the kitty
Wow you are very talanted artist. You've captured your pets wonderfully in those drawings (maybe I should give it a try).
BTW I love the goddess holder further down the page. She is lovely. I adore things like that.
im new to your blog and wanted to say hi, our radishes look tiny compared to yours!
felciity xx
What a talented lady you are! Is there anything you can't turn your hand to? It's been a while since i last popped by and it's lovely to catch up with everyone again. I'll be back to visit again before long i'm sure xXx
Amazing sketches - you are very talented.
Sorry I haven't popped by for a while, I am having problems with blogger and can't always open other people's blogs :(
Pink iced fairy cakes seem to be fashionable at the moment-see my blog :)
Are you still thinking of hosting a summer swap or would you like me to host one? I think one for each season would be a great idea following on from your spring swap. e-mail me or reply on my blog please as I might not be able to see yours for a while again - re blogger problems. My e-mail address is on my blog. Best wishes, Pj x
Just popping by to say hi, hope all is welll with you?
Sorry not been about much, been trying to blog and done quite well, however my mind drifts off elsewhere....
Soon be feeling more like myself soon, I hope!xxx
Hi hun
Just popped by to say hello and hope you're OK.
Hugs, Mel xxx
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